EyeOnScene is a Powerful Emergency Management Tool Providing Live Video to First Responders
The dispatcher will have access to view the caller’s mobile device camera and listen through their microphone. Both the caller and dispatcher will communicate.

EyeOnScene is a new approach to emergency management by providing live video streams to first responders using mobile devices at incident locations.
It gives the ability for Public Safety Officers to view a live stream video from a caller(s) cell phone, which will assist in making a more knowledgeable decision in an emergency situation.
How does EyeOnScene work?
9/11 caller is sent a URL via text message, upon clicking the link, the dispatcher will have access to view the caller’s mobile device camera and listen through their microphone. Both the caller and dispatcher will communicate with each other via microphone or through a chat box for discrete messaging. EyeOnScene allows officers to be virtually present in any given situation while an officer is in route.

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